5 research outputs found

    Text typology and its significance in translation

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    Translation is a very broad, complex and multi-faceted phenomenon, encompassing much more factors than it seems at first glance. It is not just copying the words from the original work while changing the language, but it consists of a careful selection of appropriate phrases and expressions, combining them together in a skillful way while taking into consideration numerous aspects, one of them being the text type. The purpose of this article is, therefore, to present various text typologies and text types, specify their implications for translators and determine the role of the correct recognition of text type in producing a successful translation. This will be done on the assumption that a text type is one of the basic factors that allow the translator to recognise the function and purpose of the text as well as the author's intention. Thus, depending on the nature of these, the translator will inevitably resort to different techniques and strategies in order to successfully render the source text. Therefore, identifying the text type also helps the translator to select the appropriate translation strategy

    Subsequential impossibility of performance under the regime of contractual liability

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza instytucji nast臋pczej niemo偶liwo艣ci 艣wiadczenia, przedstawienie jej na tle innych instytucji prawa cywilnego, w szczeg贸lno艣ci okre艣lenie miejsca nast臋pczej niemo偶liwo艣ci 艣wiadczenia w re偶imie odpowiedzialno艣ci kontraktowej.W niniejszej pracy przede rozwa偶ono, czy niemo偶liwo艣膰 艣wiadczenia ma, tak jak przyjmuje si臋 powszechnie, charakter obiektywny, czy istniej膮 podstawy zar贸wno prawne, jak i celowo艣ciowe, przemawiaj膮ce za przyj臋ciem subiektywnego charakteru nast臋pczej niemo偶liwo艣ci 艣wiadczenia. Podj臋ta zosta艂a r贸wnie偶 pr贸ba znalezienia granicy pomi臋dzy pierwotn膮 niemo偶liwo艣ci膮 艣wiadczenia a nast臋pcz膮 niemo偶liwo艣ci膮 艣wiadczenia. Natomiast na ko艅cu tej cz臋艣ci pracy poddane zostaje rozwa偶eniu, czy po wprowadzeniu do kodeksu cywilnego klauzuli rebus sic stantibus nadal istniej膮 podstawy do wyodr臋bniania szczeg贸lnego przypadku niemo偶liwo艣ci 艣wiadczenia, jak膮 stanowi gospodarcza niemo偶liwo艣膰 艣wiadczenia. Druga cz臋艣膰 pracy stanowi natomiast zestawienie nast臋pczej niemo偶liwo艣膰 艣wiadczenia z innymi postaciami naruszenia zobowi膮zania tj. z op贸藕nieniem sensu stricto i op贸藕nieniem kwalifikowanym. Zosta艂a podj臋ta pr贸ba okre艣lenia granic zastosowania przepis贸w reguluj膮cych nast臋pcz膮 niemo偶liwo艣ci膮 艣wiadczenia a pozosta艂e postaci naruszenia zobowi膮za艅. W tej cz臋艣ci pracy zbadano r贸wnie偶 zakres odes艂ania z art. 566 搂 1 k.c. oraz 574 搂 1 k.c. oraz mo偶liwo艣膰 stosowania przepis贸w o nast臋pczej niemo偶liwo艣ci 艣wiadczenia w przypadku uprawnie艅 okre艣lonych w art. 561 搂 1 k.c. Ostatni rozdzia艂 pracy zosta艂 natomiast po艣wi臋cony uwagom de lege ferenda. Bior膮c bowiem pod uwag臋 ilo艣膰 wyst臋puj膮cych problem贸w na gruncie obowi膮zuj膮cej regulacji odpowiedzialno艣ci kontraktowej nieodzowne jest zastanowienie si臋, czy problemy te mog膮 by膰 rozwi膮zane poprzez dokonanie wyk艂adni aktualnej regulacji, czy konieczna jest jednak inicjatywa po stronie ustawodawcy i znowelizowanie kodeksu cywilnego w spos贸b odpowiadaj膮cy wsp贸艂czesnych potrzebom i tendencjom ustawodawczym.The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the institution of subsequential impossibility of performance, its presentation in the context of other civil law institutions, in particular to define the place of subsequential impossibility of performance in the regime of contractual liability.This thesis first considers whether the impossibility to perform has, as is commonly assumed, an objective character, or whether there are grounds, both legal and intentional, supporting the assumption of a subjective character of the subsequent impossibility to perform. There is also an attempt to find the limit between the initial impossibility of performance and the subsequent impossibility of performance. At the end of this part of the thesis a consideration is given as to whether after the introduction of the clause rebus sic stantibus into the Civil Code there are still grounds for distinguishing a special case of an inability to perform, which is an economic inability to perform. The second part of the thesis is a comparison of subsequent impossibility of performance with other forms of breach of obligation, i.e. delay sensu stricto and qualified delay. An attempt has been made to determine the limits of application of the provisions regulating subsequent impossibility of performance and other forms of breach of obligations. This part of the work also examines the scope of the reference in Articles 566 搂 1 and 574 搂 1 of the Civil Code as well as the possibility of applying the provisions on subsequent impossibility of performance in the case of the rights specified in Article 561 搂 1 of the Civil Code. The last chapter of the thesis is devoted to de lege ferenda comments. Taking into account the number of problems occurring on the grounds of the binding regulation of contractual liability, it is indispensable to consider whether these problems may be solved by interpretation of the current regulation, or whether an initiative on the part of the legislator is necessary, and whether the Civil Code should be amended in a manner that would correspond to contemporary needs and legislative tendencies

    The Prevalence of Histopathological Features of Pneumonia in Goats with Symptomatic Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis

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    Chronic interstitial pneumonia (CIP) is a main pathology of sheep infected with small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV). Caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is caused by the same pathogen; however, the presence of CIP has been only occasionally reported in SRLV-infected goats. We carried out a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of histopathological lesions indicative of CIP in goats with symptomatic CAE, and to investigate whether CIP was associated with a higher prevalence of other types of pneumonia (purulent bronchopneumonia, fibrinous pleuropneumonia) or bacterial infections. Lung specimens and bronchial swabs were collected for histopathological and bacteriological examination, respectively, from 116 goats from a CAE-affected herd. All goats were euthanized due to severe clinical signs of CAE. The goats were seropositive for SRLV infection in two different ELISAs and the presence of SRLV antigen in the lung tissue was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Histopathologically, pneumonia of any type was confirmed in 82 goats (70.7%) and CIP was present in 67 goats (57.8%). In most goats, the severity of the histopathological features of pneumonia was mild. Bacteria were detected in bronchial swabs from 73 goats (62.9%). CIP proved to be significantly positively linked to the occurrence of purulent bronchopneumonia (p < 0.001), fibrinous pleuropneumonia (p = 0.001), and of the infection of lungs with bacteria capable of causing pneumonia (p = 0.050). The causal character of these associations should be considered and warrants further investigation